Search Results | horned toad

Your search for "horned toad" returned 14 results

How the Spider-tailed Horned Viper Tricks Unsuspecting Prey

There probably aren't many animals as aptly named as the spider-tailed horned viper. With a tail tip that resembles a spider and horns atop its head, it's easy to visualize this venomous snake.

The Frog Quiz

"It's not easy being green," a famous frog once told the world (in song, no less). But if you paid attention in science class, you shouldn't find this quiz too hard! Good luck!

Prehistoric Frog Had a Monstrous Bite

A new study found that the Beelzebufo frog had a bite strong enough to take down dinosaurs. Learn about this frog and others like it at HowStuffWorks.

Amphibian Pictures

Amphibians are a diverse and unique group of animals. In this collection of Amphibian pictures, you'll find toads, frogs, caecilians, newts and more.

Can You Identify These Lizard Species?

We may not have dinosaurs in the world anymore but we do have lizards. Lots and lots of lizards! Let's see you flex your herpetology muscles and name as many of these species as you can!

Can You Guess These Tricky Animal Group Names?

Lions and tigers and bears — oh, my! Do you know which one of these animals when in a group is known as an “ambush”? Or which is a “sloth”? Embrace your wild side in this quiz about different yet all bizarrely named animal groups!

Can You Identify Each of These Characters From the Mario Franchise?

Mario and his gang of friends have been appearing on our screens since the eighties. They walk, run, drive and fight in a variety of games. But have you been paying enough attention to who they are? Can you name all of these Mario franchise characters?

35 Common Misconceptions You Probably Believe

Are black holes actually "holes?" Is it true the Vikings wore horned helmets? And can you really be "as blind as a bat?" We're all guilty of believing some falsehoods -- and, contrary to popular belief, that includes all three of these. Let's see how many myths you can debunk.

This Venomous Snakes Identification Quiz Is Really Hard, So We'll Be Impressed if You Even Get 4 Right

Knowing sequences of colors and patterns can help you identify these venomous snakes from an image. Your life may depend on it!

Can You Identify These Venomous Snakes?

Knowing sequences of colors and patterns can help you tell the difference between dangerous and benign snakes. Your life may depend on it! Take this quiz to see if you can identify these venomous snakes from a single image.

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